The Holy Father fell on the edge of the table next to his bed, causing a bruise to his face
The pontiff has experienced several health issues over the past few years, including bronchitis and an abdominal hernia Pope…
The pontiff has experienced several health issues over the past few years, including bronchitis and an abdominal hernia Pope…
Are we ignoring the truths about eternal separation from God? In this episode of "The Catholic Gentleman," John H…
More than 300 feet underground in the Wieliczka Mines in Poland lies the Chapel of Saint Kinga, the largest underground chur…
Trong Nhà thờ chính tòa Brussels có nhiều bằng chứng nghệ thuật về phép lạ Thánh Thể được xác minh vào năm 1370. Những kẻ ph…
It’s easy to conceptualize the presentation of the Lord because we find it in Scripture. Luke’s Gospel tells of the Holy Fam…
The five elements of the Jerusalem Cross have been given different spiritual meanings over the centuries, but each reflects …
The Mother of God brings healing to a child — and touches the heart of a family. L to R: Eric and Andrea Paul and their son …